Can I defer Medicare sign up if I continue to work and be covered by my current plan?
"I am a long time listener to your show and love the program. I turn 65 in 1 month and have a question about signing up for Medicare, I want to confirm what I believe I have heard on your show. I plan to work a couple more years and am currently covered by my company's health plan. My understanding is that I can defer Medicare sign up if I continue to work and be covered by my current plan. When I do retire in a couple years, I can sign up at that time with a letter from my company saying I have been covered over this interim period since I turned 65. Is this correct? Or do I still need to sign up before I turn 65?"
To answer
Moral of the story? Medicare can be a complicated process. We are always here to answer YOUR specific questions regarding your current situation.
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Health Insurance Coach & Vice President