JBL Financial Blog

Can I Defer Medicare Sign Up?

Erin Lapidus Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Can I defer Medicare sign up if I continue to work and be covered by my current plan?

"I am a long time listener to your show and love the program. I turn 65 in 1 month and have a question about signing up for Medicare, I want to confirm what I believe I have heard on your show. I plan to work a couple more years and am currently covered by my company's health plan. My understanding is that I can defer Medicare sign up if I continue to work and be covered by my current plan. When I do retire in a couple years, I can sign up at that time with a letter from my company saying I have been covered over this interim period since I turned 65. Is this correct? Or do I still need to sign up before I turn 65?"

To answer his question, you are absolutely CORRECT.  You do not need to enroll in Medicare until you retire and leave your company sponsored plan.  At that point, you will fill out a Medicare Part B application and a request for employer information application that will attest you have been a member of your employer’s plan from the day you turned 65 until the day your benefits terminated.  Then you will be able to elect a plan to supplement your Medicare coverage, which we are happy to assist in that process.

Moral of the story? Medicare can be a complicated process. We are always here to answer YOUR specific questions regarding your current situation.

Never hesitate to reach out!


Health Insurance Coach & Vice President


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